Puha, what a week and what a weekend. I'm getting too old for this but I'll admit it - I had such a great week and a really fun weekend!
Rie and Maj.
Actually, I just worked all week - pulling double shifts at different youth clubs and going to youth club related meetings but since I LOVE my job(s) so much, the week just flew by. Most of the people I work with are super nice and that really helps the long days fly by. So, even though I've been crazy busy, things are going great. Busy in such a positive way!
After I got to sleep in Saturday (thanks Heidi!), my fun weekend started. Heidi came over and it was great seeing her again. We talked about everything and really caught up on each others lives. (Congrats on the new job!) Then we got ready - she kept stealing my mirror and I had clothes all over the place. Loud music and coffee, then we're happy. Christina, Tina, Tine and Jannie came over, we had dinner and some drinks before we went down to celebrate Jannie's birthday - HAPPY BIRTHDAY JANNIE!
Sooooo, I'm not going to get into all the details. Lots of laughs, dancing, drinks and just a really good time. We lost a Tine, found a Leon, met some nice people and met some wierd people. Here are the pictures - the good and the not-so good!
Heidi and Rie.
Tine and Rie
Rie and Jannie.
Group shot - Heidi, Rie and Tine. Having a great time!
(check out Heidi's blog for more pictures!)
I'm working a lot this week too but nothing planned for the weekend. Not yet at least ;)
2 Intelligent comments:
Hi you.. Thanks for a blast.. :-) Did you check out Pubben's pics..? Hehe.. ;-) Ja lad os gøre det igen snart.. :-) Kram
Hey Rie(Heidi and other partying people) - Thanks for a great night out... To set the record straight - you guys disappeared on me first... ;) And I was not that lost.... actually I'm more lost now... :)
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