I don't know why but I haven't been good at updating my blog lately but I think it's because I don't know what to write. I work. I sleep. I take the bus. I eat. I watch tv. I play cards on the computer. That's my life. But I'm loving it!
Thank you to everyone for all the birthday greetings! All the phone calls, emails, text messages, facebook... I felt so loved! I had a good day - it started with breakfast served by Anders before he had to work. Then I brought a cake with me to my work and found a few minutes to sit down with my co-workers and eat cake and drink coffee. The kids found out that it was my birthday so a lot of the girls sang to me and make small gifts from the materials we have in our creative workshop - I ended up coming home with cards, a purse decorated with beads and roses, small earring boxes and keychains. I got other good gifts, including money from the Canadian family, dvd's from Anders and a book from Tine. I went out for dinner with Tine Tuesday after work and we really caught up on some girly gossip - lots of laughs and a really good time.
So, I had a really good day - nice and quiet but that's the way I wanted it!
Other than my birthday, I haven't really been doing much. Work takes up a lot of my time and energy but I love it. I feel good at work and I definitely feel right about making this my career choice. It won't make me rich but that's not what's important. I'm learning so much about myself, about my limits, about kids and their limits and I feel as though I'm doing something good. Plus it's fun! I can honestly say that my work is fun.
News from my American side of the family - my cousin, Cydney, tied the knot with her boyfriend Patrick and can now call themselves husband and wife! Congratulations! The ceremony took place a couple of weeks ago but I'm a little behind in my blogging. Here are some pictures of the happy couple!
Speaking of weddings, my brother and his fiance finally set the date. JC and Kim will be getting married in Calgary May 1st next year! It'll be a small wedding ceremony... without his big sister being present. Yes... I am forced to take a good look at reality and reality for me is that I can't afford a trip to Calgary at that point, nor can I take the time off work for an extra vacation. And I'm pretty bummed out because I would have loved to meet Kim and seen my baby brother get hitched. So I'm going to have to rely on my parent's photography skills and be there in spirit. Hey, maybe someone can set up a webcam in the corner!
I have a busy weekend coming up - a "tupperware" party Friday evening with Jannie and the girls and then a bday party at Anders' place Saturday. I don't plan on hitting the drinks too hard this weekend but it should be fun hanging out with some friends and just having a good time. I'll bring my camera and take pictures!
1 Intelligent comments:
Hey Sweetie - Glad you had a happy birthday, and got lots of love :)
It's also nice to see you updating the blog....it seems like lots has been going on in your life these days...you'll have to send me and email to share some details!
Hugs & Kisses,
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