May 23, 2009

Posted by Rie On 11:07 PM
Hey everyone! Hope you are all having a good weekend and that the sun in shining wherever you are in the world. Ok, the sun isn't shining here but that's because it is 11pm. But the sun did shine today!

It's been a good weekend so far here in Vejle. I had the day off Thursday (some danish holiday) and we were closed Friday too so I almost had a long weekend. I had to work Friday evening at a youth party and that turned out to be slightly rough. Nothing dramatic or major, just busy. Lots of kids - over 400 - came to party. But it was a good night. Then it was at the garage today and that also went well.

I haven't really done much today other than work and do "boring" stuff here at home. Laundry, read a couple of chapters in my book, cleaned up a bit, took a nap, made some dinner, listened to music and drink coffee. A very good Saturday evening! I also plan on just relaxing here at home tomorrow but if it's good weather, then maybe I'll take a ride out of town on my bike. Enjoy the sunshine, my ipod and freedom. I think next week will be kind of a killer week so I better enjoy the peace while I can. Eye doctor apps, work, extra meetings, driving lessons, Greg and Jelling festival...

Yups - JELLING FESTIVAL! Do you guys remember how I used to work there? Last year, I was grumpy and decided to boycott the festival and just stayed home. BUT... this year will be very different. I wasn't planning on going but then a very very very cheap ticket pretty much fell into my hands and I couldn't say no. So, I will be going to Jelling - as a guest! NO WORK! I've been to the music festival many times but never not having to work so this will be a new experience. It's not a bad bandlist this year - many Danish bands that are pretty cool and then ZZ Top will be closing the festival Sunday night. I'm not planning on camping out there, will probably be taking the bus back and forth but since Jelling isn't all that far away from Vejle, it can be done and sleeping in my own bed and having access to a shower will make it all worth it.

YAY to Jelling Music Festival!

Ending my babble now. Have a great weekend!

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