October 4, 2006

Posted by Rie On 9:26 PM
This is where I work every Monday and Wednesday evenings. I love my job - lots of fun even if the teenagers are being.... well, teenagers. I work with my aunt and I've been working here ever since I moved to Denmark.

My aunt, Karin and some of the guys at our "bar".

We took a small group out to a "skating-disco" with lights and loud music a last season. Here I am with one of our regulars, Jesper.

Again, at the skating rink. Me with the group.

We're all taking a break from skating. Jesper, my cousin and his girlfriend came with me.... Vibeke is the one lighting up a smoke.

Tee hee - me on skates was slightly funny... and slightly dangerous.

Karin and me for hallowe'en last year. I'm obviously the hot devil!!! LOL

1 Intelligent comments:

Shauna said...

Wow that really does look like a fun time. I love pictures, keep them coming :)