December 8, 2008

Posted by Rie On 11:44 AM
Mondays aren't that bad. I get to sleep in and do my own thing here at home before I have to work at the club. I've been trying to get my stuff organized here and turn it into a "Rie-home". I'm trying to find my style but I don't think I have a specific style so that's kind of hard. None of my furniture actually match, I still need to unpack lots of stuff and I need to soon figure out some more lighting... BUT it's home. And it's my home!

So I just spent the morning relaxing and putting artsy stuff away. I still need to hang up my shelves and once they come up, then alot of junk can be cleared up. Yes... I have lots of junk...

My weekend went well. Perhaps too well because I didn't get anything done yesterday and basically just slept the entire day away. But that was probably needed and I definitely enjoyed a quiet Sunday. Sundays are my only days without any work so I try to just seriously relax and trust me - I just relaxed! I was at work at a youthparty Friday night and that went well. Over 300 teenagers and most of them behaved themselves. Me and some co-workers went out for drinks afterwards but since I had to work Saturday morning, I behaved myself too. But we had fun - we always have fun at work. I love my job!

Work on Saturday was good too. Not that many kids came by but that's probably because they were all at the youthparty. I ended up going out Saturday night which wasn't a part of my plan but I'm glad I did because it was fun! Greg is a Canadian living here in DK for 6 months because of his job and we met over the internet - a meetup group for "non-Danes" living in DK (people who work here, married to a Dane or just people like me....). Anyways, him and I went over to Peter's place for dinner and then ended up going downtown. Lots of fun. Too much fun! Peter is freaking hilarious so we spent most of the night laughing and just goofing around. Drinking was involved as well and yes, I did have a "slight" hangover Sunday. I wish I had taken some pictures to share but I didn't have my camera with me. Sorry! Some of you are complaining about me writing too much and not remembering to take pictures so I will soon, I promise!

So now it's Monday and another work week ahead of me. I should probably finish up here and start getting ready for today - I doubt I can go to work looking and smelling the way I do now...

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