April 6, 2007 - Today is my grandfather's (min morfar, BEBBA) birthday! I hope he has a great day today with lots of good food and lots of birthday greetings. I haven't seen my grandparents in a long time - around 13 years - but we still keep in contact via emails and phone calls. I will be seeing them in August where the whole family will gather to celebrate my grandparent's diamond anniversary and I can't wait! It'll be great seeing them again and just being able to sit around the kitchen table as one big happy family.
Tillykke med foedselsdagen, Bebba. Jeg haaber du faar en rigtig god dag og at solen skinner. Jeg glaeder mig meget til at se dig og mormor til August - det er jo laenge siden vi har kunne sidde rundt om bordet og bare snakke og jeg glaeder mig!
Last year's birthday!

My grandfather can kick your grandfather's butt!
I love this picture! Bebba is a photographer and has spent lots of time behind the camera lense.
Bebba and his trusty companion.
I have pretty cool grandparents!
Happy Birthday Bebba!
3 Intelligent comments:
Dude! Your Grandpa lifts trees??? That's VERY impressive.
And he has ATV's? That rocks! Happy birthday Bebba!!!
yup, bebba could probably bench press my grandpa!
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