April 23, 2007

Posted by Rie On 9:09 AM
...because I'm still so tired.

It was a rough week and I'm exhausted. Friday after work at JB, Lise and I had to work at the youth party here in Vejle until almost 1am. Not that many kids came - only 101 - so it was a long night but still fun. Saturday during the day, I needed to get some stuff done here at home before Anders came over. I haven't seen much of him all last week so it was super nice being able to spend some time with him. After having some alone time, Anders and I went over to Thomas and Claudia's for dinner - she's a great cook! - but I couldn't stay long because I had to work again Saturday night. Lise picked me up at 930pm and off we went to another youth party, this time with 500+ kids and most of them drunk. It went well, only one ambulance was called and only a little handful of teenagers were kicked out because of bad behavior. It was close to 3am when Lise and I got back to Vejle again.

It would have been nice to be able to sleep in Sunday morning but nope, I had to put on nice clothes and we all had to go to church because Anders' little brother had his confirmation yesterday. We're not churchy people at all so sitting in a crowded church for 1 1/2 hours was torture. And we couldn't even see Soren so I still don't know what the kids do when they get confirmated. After church, we all went to a nice restaurant here in Vejle - I think we were around 40 people - to eat and eat and eat. Drink too. It was fun and I think Soren had a good time. He looked exhausted when Anders and I left and trust me, so was I.

I better log off now and end this babbling session. I need to get some stuff done here at home - Thomas is coming over tomorrow to hang up my shelves and I'm meeting up with Didde tomorrow after work for dinner. Today is just work. I'm not off until 1030pm tonight so I doubt I'm worth much afterwards. Maybe I should go back to bed now and sleep an hour....

I hope you all had a great weekend!

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