January 21, 2011

Posted by Rie On 12:00 PM
Anyone who knows me, knows that I'm not great at getting up early in the mornings. Which is one reason why my jobs are perfect for me - all afternoons/evenings/night shifts. It doesn't matter if I go to bed early in the evening, I still have a hell of a time getting up at, ex. 7am. It's like my body is on automatic shut down. But that means, that I'm almost always awake late at night. You will always have a better chance getting a hold of me at midnight than at 8am.

So, a couple of days ago, I had just got home - it's around 10pm. My friend called and we chatted about her upcoming exam - she then asked me "Hey Rie, what are you up to tonight?". I said "hmmm, I'm actually thinking about adding streaks in my hair but I'm not sure how....". She said "Need some help?" And then I said "Sure, but I was thinking about doing it tonight." She answered "I'll come over in 10 minutes."

And that's how the evening/night started.

She came over and we got started right away. I'm never really that nervous about my hair - my theory is: It'll always grow out. Or I can always dye it again. Sidsel knew what to do and after a while, I was sitting there with tinfoil in my hair, just waiting for the results. The results were great! Light streaks all over the place and I was happy!

Getting started!
Tinfoil and hair dye!
Sidsel decided to add a single streak to her own hair!
YAY! I love the new color!!

Then Sidsel said "When was the last time you had a haircut?" My hair was in desperate need of a haircut! So, we ended up cutting my hair.

Great color but definitely in need of a cut!

Just to mention - Sidsel is NOT a hairdresser. But we definitely found out that she has a talent.

Goofy picture but with awesome hair!
Can you see the difference?

Now, I have healthy, fun hair and I love it! It turned into a late night - done at 3am but lots of fun and totally worth it.

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