January 28, 2011

Posted by Rie On 1:27 PM
I'm enjoying a quiet Friday - I stayed up late last night, working on my puzzle. I slept in today and was able to just wake up at my own pace. I ate breakfast/lunch and started on some laundry. I worked on my other blog and now I'm here. Oh yeah, don't forget the drinking tea part... I don't have more milk for my coffee, so it was tea today.

But at 4pm - the quiet, relaxing Friday is at an end. I have a long evening and night ahead of me. We're having a slumber party at the club - 25 girls (ages 9-12) are coming at 6pm and then it'll probably be madness until 11am tomorrow. I don't expect to get any sleep (we didn't sleep at all the last time we hosted a sleepover), so I'm going to drown myself with coffee and Redbull. We have many plans and I know many of the girls are very excited.

But my work weekend isn't over there. I get home Saturday at around lunch time, and then my plan is to sleep a bit. And try to relax. I have a shift at the pub at 7pm and I won't be home until 7am Sunday so it's going to be another long night.

Good thing I love my jobs! Now I'm off to drink more tea and make up a shopping list for today.

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